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Envy (Empty Coffin Novel)

Envy - Gregg Olsen **Originally posted on www.bunnycates.com*** I was lucky enough to receive this book for review earlier this month, and I couldn’t wait to read it!  The cover alone is creepy enough to make ya want to flip through and see what’s up!  YAY for awesome covers!  I started reading Envy the night I got it, and finished it the next night!  Envy (Empty Coffin) has everything I like in a book.  We enjoy a little drama, a little mystery, a little suspense, and a little paranormal.  I really found myself sucked in within a few pages, and hated putting it down to go to sleep. For the characters:  I loved them.   LOVED them.  ALL OF THEM (even the douchey wannabe reporter).  I think my favorite was Shania, and I can’t tell you why but you’ll KNOW why when you read the book.  I found the twins (and their gifts) to be very captivating, and the storyline was “omgosh, what!?”  lol!  For the plot:  Wow.  There is a suicide (or is it!?), some twins with that freaky thing TWINS do, secrets from the past, a skeevey reporter, dead kids…  Again, I say – WOW.  Since this book is all “mysteryish” I can’t really delve into the plot.  I don’t want to spoil it for anyone.  I’m sorry.  I realize this review is really a non-review with “READ IT” added at the end.  But, what can I do?  I don’t want to be the spoiler!  LOLI thoroughly enjoyed Envy, it was a good – fast paced – read.  I am also very interested to see how this series is going to go.  If it continues to follow the twins, I mean – how many murder mysteries can there actually be for them to solve?  They’re high school kids.  If it doesn’t continue to follow the twins, will it follow other kids with “powers”?  I don’t know.  I can’t wait to find out though.Great story, great characters, great ending - I definitely say “READ IT”.