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13 Curses

13 Curses - Michelle Harrison **Originally posted on www.bunnycates.com**I received this book for review, and was blown away by it’s gorgeousness! I sat down and started to flip through it and was so sad to find out it was a BOOK TWO in a series!  bah!  You guys know me, and how I hate to read a series out of order, so I ended up setting it aside until I could get the first book in the series.  I got 13 Treasures : book one (my review is here) and omgosh LOVED LOVED LOVED it.  Uhm… Did I mention I like it?  So as soon as I finished 13 Treasures, I started 13 Curses (and then life interrupted)!Once I actually started reading 13 Curses, it only took me a day to whip through.  It’s one of those “just need to see what happens here THEN I will cook dinner” type books.  I loved it!  Michelle Harrison (who is amazing!) did a great job of continuing the story with the second book.  It picks up right where book one ended.  I think the thing I like the most was the different “style” for book two.  I mean, book one was more of a “mystery” type book.  Book two is more of an “adventure/quest” type story.   Book two also more follows Red and my favorite character from book one - Warwick! (Yes, I still see him as dirty Joaquin. See 13 Treasures review for clarification. lol)Much like 13 Treasures, I absolutely LOVED this book.  I loved that it sucks you in, and even though you KNOW you have “real life” “parenty” type things you need to be doing…you still feel compelled to sit there and just check to see what’s on the next page.Character wise, all my favorites were back – and there were a few new ones to add to the mix!  Poor Red.  I wasn’t sure where her story would go, I mean she surprised the crap out of me at the end of book one.  I’m glad she was more the focus of book two and we got to get to know her better.  That child sure had a crap life, I tell ya.  I love how strong and independent she is (and I won’t even tell you that I cried over her.  Nope.  I won’t tell you that!)   I totally love Brunswick too.  Like want to just hug him.  In my opinion, this is one of the best children's series that I have read in a LONG time.  There is enough plot to keep fans of any genre interested.  There is enough character development, so that no matter what types of character you are drawn to – there is someone in these books you will connect with.  There is enough “story” to leave you dying for the next in the series.I can’t WAIT for book three The Thirteen Secrets .  I have googled my fingers off and can NOT find a USA release date.  I will hate to have to order it from overseas, because our covers are SO much better – but dang it… I WILL!!!I say “READ IT”.  I promise you will NOT be disappointed.  Great for kids and grownups, too! THANK YOU to LITTLE BROWN for sending me this amazing book to review!!!!   THANK YOU, Michelle, for adding me on twitter!  You are AMAZING!! For other posts by me on this series, please read: 13 Treasures by Michelle Harrison  (the review) Am Reading: 13 Curses  (weekend update) In My Mailbox July 17 2011  (YouTube vlogs) In My Mailbox July 3 2011 (YouTube vlogs)